Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner – ANZSCO 252214

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners treat imbalances of energy flows through the body by assessing the whole person and using techniques and methods such as acupuncture, Chine herbal medicine, massage, diet, exercise and breathing therapy.
Skill Level
Alternative Titles
  • Chinese Medicine Practitioner
  • Oriental Medicine Practitioner
  • Chinese Herbalist
Skills Assessment Requirement

Unless you are exempt in very limited circumstances, you are required to have a positive Skills Assessment to apply for the visas listed above.

Skills Assessment authority for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner is Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • CMBA require that applicants are registered with the CMBA
  • To apply for registration with CMBA, applicants must meet the following registration standards:
    • Continuing Professional Development
      • Complete at least 20 hours of CPD registration each year
      • Maintain a portfolio to demonstrate your CPD activities, reflections on the activities and how they will improve your practice and detail your learning goals
    • Criminal History
      • Criminal history will be assessed by the Board to consider its relevance by a consideration of:
        • Nature and gravity of offence
        • Time period since the offence
        • Finding of guilt or conviction
        • Sentence imposed
        • Age of the offender and any victims
        • Current status of the crime i.e. decriminalised
        • Health practitioner’s current behaviour
        • Future threat
        • Information provided by health practitioner
        • Any other relevant matter
    • English Language Skills
      • English is the applicant’s primary language AND all primary and secondary education taught and assessed in English in a recognised country AND tertiary education in the relevant professional discipline; OR
      • Applicant has at least two years of secondary education taught and assessed in English in a recognised country AND tertiary qualifications in the relevant professional discipline taught and assessed solely in English in a recognised country; OR
      • Applicant has completed at least six years continuous (full-time equivalent) education taught and assessed solely in English in any of the recognised counties; OR
      • English skills assessed through an English Language Test with the applicant achieving the following minimum scores:
        • IETLS – minimum 7.0
        • OET – minimum score of B in each component
        • PTE Academic – minimum 65 in each communicative skills
        • TOEFL iBT – minimum 94 and the following minimum scores in each section: 24 in listening and reading, 27 in writing and 23 in speaking
    • Professional Indemnity Insurance Arrangements
      • Applicants must be covered by your own or a third parties professional indemnity insurance that:
        • Encompass all aspects of your practice
        • Cover all locations of your practice
        • Whether you are working in the public or private sector
        • Whether you are practising full time, part time, self-employed, employed or in an unpaid or volunteer capacity
    • Recency of Practice
      • Applicants must have completed a minimum of:
        • 450 hours of practice in the previous three years; OR
        • 150 hours of practice in the previous 12 months
Potential Visa Pathways for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
ANZSCOOccupationSkills Assessment189190485 491 (State)491 (Family)186 (Direct)407 (Training)494 (regional Sponsored)482 (TSS Short
252214Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner CMBAxxxx

Group: 2522 Complementary Health Therapists

Treat patients with physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs by considering the whole person rather than focusing on specific symptoms and by using various therapies, techniques and practices.
  • Assessing patients to determine the nature of the disorder, illness, problem or need by questioning, examining and observing
  • Developing and implementing treatment plans using applications such as acupuncture, homoeopathic and herbal medicine, and dance, drama, hypnotic and music therapies
  • Evaluating and documenting patients’ progress through treatment plans
  • Providing dietary and lifestyle advice and guidelines
  • Prescribing natural medicines, such as herbal, mineral and animal extracts, to stimulate the body’s capacity for self-healing
Skill Level
Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing may be required.

Occupations in this Group
  • 252211 Acupuncturist
  • 252212 Homoeopath
  • 252213 Naturopath
  • 252214 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
  • 252215 Traditional Maori Health Practitioner
  • 252299 Complementary Health Therapists nec
How to calculate your points (skilled visas)

To apply for a skilled visa, you need to know how many points you can score. The minimum score to be eligible for application is 65 points. However, depending on your occupation, the competitiveness, and the states you are applying to, you might need to score more points to get an invite.

Points will be given to you based on the following:

Click here to calculate your points.

Subclass 190 visa– Skilled Nominated Visa & Subclass 491 visa – Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa

To apply for visa subclass 190 and visa subclass 491, you need to have a nomination from the state/territory government where you want to live and work. Each State and Territory have individual requirements that must be met in order to receive nomination. (See below)

While the 190 visa is a permanent visa, subclass 491 visa gives you right to live and work in regional Australia for 5 years with a pathway to permanent residency through the subclass 191 visa.

Another difference between the 190 and 491 visa is that you can only apply for visa subclass 491 if you are living and working in regional areas in Australia, while it is not a requirement if you are applying for the 190 visa.

In summary, to be eligible for 190 visa, you need to meet the following criteria:

Immigration Points

Must score at least 65 points, or higher points if the state or territory requires.


Must have at least Competent English, i.e., IELTS 6.0 or equivalent, or higher if the state or territory requires.


Must be under 45 years of age.

be invited

Must lodge an EOI and be invited by the state or territory and then apply for the visa.

Skills assessment

Must have positive skills assessment. Each occupation has a specific assessing authority.


Must meet health and character requirements.

To check if the state/ territory government requirements for your occupation, refer to the following links

State/ Territory
Links to requirements
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

407  Training Visa

The 407 visa a short stay visa for individuals to participate in occupational training or professional development in Australia. This visa is generally valid to stay in Australia for 2 years. Please note this visa is subject to condition 8102 which forbids work apart from the training that is specified in the visa application. You are also required to maintain health insurance whilst in Australia.

To be eligible for visa 407, you need to meet the following criteria:


You must prove that you genuinely stay in Australia for training and will depart when you complete the training.

English Level

Must have Functional English, i.e. IELTS overall 4.5 with no band less than 4, or equivalent.


Must be over 18 years old.

Be Sponsored

You must be sponsored by an approved temporary activities sponsor – Can be an employer or a commonwealth agency

Health and Character

Must meet health and character requirements.

Subclass 494 visa – Skilled Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa

You can apply for subclass 494 if you have a regional employer who is willing to sponsor you. To be eligible for this visa, you must have at least 3 years of working experience in your nominated occupation and have a relevant skills assessment. With this visa, there is a requirement that you must work for the employer who is sponsoring you.

This visa provides pathway to permanent residency through the 191 visa.


At least 3 years full-time work experience in the nominated occupation.


Must have at least Competent English, i.e., IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.


Must be under 45 years of age, unless exempt.

Be Sponsored

Must be sponsored by an Australian regional employer.

Skills assessment

Must have a positive skills assessment.

Subclass 482 visa – Temporary Skill Shortage (Short Term)

The Subclass 482 visa is a Temporary Skill Shortage visa that requires a sponsorship from an Australian employer. The TSS short term stream visa allows to your live and work in Australia for up to 2 years each time you are granted this visa. You may apply for two 482 visas in the short stream onshore and subsequent ones offshore, as long as the employer is willing to sponsor you. The TSS 482 short term stream does not have a path to permanent residency throught the 186 visa.

English Level

Must have IELTS atleast 5.0 with no band less than 4.5.


There is no age requirement for this visa.

Be Sponsored

Must be sponsored by an Australian employer.

Skills assessment

Generally not required unless on this list.

Health and Character

Must meet health and character requirements.

Job Outlook

  • Unavailable

    Weekly Earnings

  • 51%

    Work full time hours

  • Very Strong

    Growth expected in the next 5 years

  • 53% female

    Gender share

  • 43 hours

    Average full-time

  • Very High Skill

    Skill level rating

Book a consultation with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find out more about your visa options and your path to Australian permanent residency or applying for citizenship.